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§ Vorhandene Lösungen von Semesterarbeiten etc. / Solutions disponibles de traveaux de sémestre etc. § |
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Kleiner Mathematica-Crash-Kurs für Neueinsteiger (d) (<==Hier klicken, saven mit Extension .nb / Cliquer ici, sauvegarder avec l'extension .nb)
How to copy the Mathematica-files to your own directory?
To download the Mathematica-Files: Copy the files from my folder MathemDF such as follows:
Open the file you want to copy by mouse-click as usual. Then go up at the left of the menu bar, click on File and then click on Save as... in the pull down menu. Then you have to indicate the name you want to give and de destination. Good luck!
Attention! Use the file-name-extention ".nb"!!!
After having done that you can go into Mathematica, version 3.0... or 4.0 .... There you can open the file as usual.
Now you have to run your file (e.g. by "Evaluate Notebook" or mouse-click in the bar on the right side and then "Enter"). The files published on internet are given without the output, by reasons of size, memory or capacity.
The file-list is given by the followin tables!
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To have a look at a Mathematica-Notebook without having the Mathematica-Program, you can get free the MathReader at (for WIN- and MAC) |
Mathematik Architektur / Mathématiques architecture
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 / Graph. | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem. 2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 / II, 5a | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 / 13a | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 / II, 6a | Ueb/Ex II, 10 / II, 10a | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 / II, 7a | Ueb/Ex II, 11 / II, 11a | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 / II, 4a | Ueb/Ex II, 8 / II, 8a | Ueb/Ex II, 12 Hd/main | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
Anwendungen / Applications
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Anw / Appl. 1 | ..... | |||
Anw / Appl. 2 | ..... | |||
Anw / Appl. 3 | ||||
Anw / Appl. 4 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
99/00 | Test1p.1 p.2 p.3 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Serie Ueb. /Ex. |
00/01 | Test 1a Test 1b | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
01/02 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | PreTest 4 / Test 4 |
02/03 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
03/04 | Test 1 a | Test 2: Projekt | Test 3: Projekt | |
04/05 | Test 1 a, c, c, d | Test 2: Projekt | Test 3 | A1p, Spezialkurs: Projekt betr. Gebäudegewichte s. Klassenseite |
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 Hp1 Hp2 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Anwendungen / Applications
2. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Anw / Appl. 1 | ..... | |||
Anw / Appl. 2 | ..... | |||
Anw / Appl. 3 | ||||
Anw / Appl. 4 |
Studienarbeiten, Quartalsarbeiten Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
Arbeit 1 / Travail 1 | Arbeit 2 / Travail 2 | Guck mal hin: Vorhandene Arbeiten 3. Jahr / Traveaux disponibles 3ème année |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
99/00 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
00/01 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
01/02 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
02/03 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 3 NT |
03/04 | Test 1 a | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 3 NT |
04/05 | Test 1 a, c, c, d | Test 2: Projekt | Test 3a Test 3p |
3. Jahr / Année 3 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
3. Jahr / Année 3 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
Vorh. Projekarbeiten / Trav. de projet disp. | Test 1: Vorh. Projekarbeiten / Trav. de projet disp. | Test 2: Vorh. Projekarbeiten / Trav. de projet disp. | Test 3 | Test 4 |
Algebra Elektrotechnik/ Algèbre électrotechnique:
Kleiner Mathematica-Crash-Kurs für Neueinsteiger (d) (<==Hier klicken, saven mit Extention .nb)
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 / I, 13a | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 / I, 14a | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | U/E I,7 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 / I, 11a | Ueb/Ex I, 15 / I, 15a | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 / I, 12a | Ueb/Ex I, 16 / I, 16a | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 / 9a / 9b | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2/ 2a 2b 2c | Ueb/Ex II, 6 / 6a | Ueb/Ex II, 10 / 10a | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3/ 3a 3b | Ueb/Ex II, 7 / 7a | Ueb/Ex II, 11 / 11a | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 / 8a | Ueb/Ex II, 12 / 12a/b | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems 3a
99/00 | Test 1 p.1 Test 1 p.2 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Zusatz |
01/02 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
02/03 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4
Analysis Elektrotechnik/ Analyse électrotechnique:
Kleiner Mathematica-Crash-Kurs für Neueinsteiger (d) (<==Hier klicken, saven mit Extention .nb)
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 I, 6 New | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 I, 12.1 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 II, 1a | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
99/00 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | |
00/01 | Test 1a Test1b | Test 2 | PrTest Test 3a Test 3b | Test 4 |
Mathematik Elektrotechnik/ Mathématiques électrotechnique:
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
(Keine Links ==> Handschriftl. Anweisungen + Übungen siehe DIYMU+ Archiv // Sans liens ==> instructions écrites à la main + excercices voir DIYMU+archives)
Ueb/Ex I, 1 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 5 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 9 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 13 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 17 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 6 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 10 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 14 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 18 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 7 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 11 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 15 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 19 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 8 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 12 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 16 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex I, 20 to Archiv/ archives |
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
(Keine Links ==> Handschriftl. Anweisungen + Übungen siehe DIYMU + Archiv // Sans liens ==> instructions écrites à la main + excercices voir DIYMU + archives)
Ueb/Ex II, 1 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 5 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 9 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 13 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 17 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 6 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 10 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 14 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 18 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 7 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 11 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 15 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 19 to Archiv/ archives |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 8 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 12 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 16 to Archiv/ archives | Ueb/Ex II, 20 to Archiv/ archives |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
(Keine Links ==> Handschriftl. Anweisungen + Übungen siehe DIYMU + Archiv // Sans liens ==> instructions écrites à la main + excercices voir DIYMU + archives)
Test 1 to Archiv/ archives | Test 2 to Archiv/ archives | Test 3 to Archiv/ archives | Test 4 to Archiv/ archives | |
Test 1 to Archiv/ archives | Test 2 to Archiv/ archives | Test 3 to Archiv/ archives | Test 4 to Archiv/ archives | |
Test 1 to Archiv/ archives | Test 2 to Archiv/ archives | Test 3 to Archiv/ archives | Test 4 to Archiv/ archives |
Mathematica-Packages und Projekte Mathematiklabor Elektrotechnik/ Mathematica-Packages et Projets laboratioire de mathématiques électrotechnique:
2. Jahr / Année 2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Example: Lin. Alg. | Example: Surfaces | Rotation around an axis in space | Making truth-tables by computer | Abbildung komplexer Gitter |
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.1
(Keine Links ==> Handschriftl. Anweisungen + Übungen siehe DIYMU // Sans liens ==> instructions écrites à la main + excercices voir DIYMU)
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
(Keine Links ==> Handschriftl. Anweisungen + Übungen siehe DIYMU // Sans liens ==> instructions écrites à la main + excercices voir DIYMU)
Algebra Mikrotechnik/ Algèbre microtechnique:
Kleiner Mathematica-Crash-Kurs für Neueinsteiger (d) (<==Hier klicken, saven mit Extention .nb)
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
00/01 | Test 1 p.1 Test 1 p.2 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
Statistik Mikrotechnik/ Statistique microtechnique:
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 Probl1 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
2. Jahr / Année 2 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
01/02 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
Analysis Informatik/ Analyse informatique:
Kleiner Mathematica-Crash-Kurs für Neueinsteiger (d) (<==Hier klicken, saven mit Extention .nb)
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.1 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex I, 1 | Ueb/Ex I, 5 | Ueb/Ex I, 9 | Ueb/Ex I, 13 | Ueb/Ex I, 17 |
Ueb/Ex I, 2 | Ueb/Ex I, 6 | Ueb/Ex I, 10 | Ueb/Ex I, 14 | Ueb/Ex I, 18 |
Ueb/Ex I, 3 | Ueb/Ex I, 7 | Ueb/Ex I, 11 | Ueb/Ex I, 15 | Ueb/Ex I, 19 |
Ueb/Ex I, 4 | Ueb/Ex I, 8 | Ueb/Ex I, 12 | Ueb/Ex I, 16 | Ueb/Ex I, 20 |
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Ueb/Ex II, 1 | Ueb/Ex II, 5 | Ueb/Ex II, 9 | Ueb/Ex II, 13 | Ueb/Ex II, 17 |
Ueb/Ex II, 2 | Ueb/Ex II, 6 | Ueb/Ex II, 10 | Ueb/Ex II, 14 | Ueb/Ex II, 18 |
Ueb/Ex II, 3 | Ueb/Ex II, 7 P.3 | Ueb/Ex II, 11 | Ueb/Ex II, 15 | Ueb/Ex II, 19 |
Ueb/Ex II, 4 | Ueb/Ex II, 8 | Ueb/Ex II, 12 | Ueb/Ex II, 16 | Ueb/Ex II, 20 |
Anwendungen / Applications
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Anw / Appl. 1 | Anw / Appl. 5 | ..... | ||
Anw / Appl. 2 | Anw / Appl. 6 | |||
Anw / Appl. 3 | Anw / Appl. 7 | |||
Anw / Appl. 4 | ..... |
Zusatz / Complément
1. Jahr / Année 1 // Sem.2 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems
Zus / Compl 1 | ||||
Tests Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
01/02 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
02/03 | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 |
03/04 | Test 1 a | Test 2 a | Übung / Exercice | Test 4 |
04/05 | Test 1 | Test 2 a / 2 b | Test 3a Test 3c | Test 3a + c
(Entwurf - ébauche ) |
Algebra Informatik / Algèbre informatique:
Übungen siehe DIYMU + Archiv. / Excercices voir DIYMU + archives.
Mathematik 2 Informatik / Mathematiques 2 informatique:
Übungen siehe DIYMU + Archiv. / Excercices voir DIYMU + archives.
DIYMU ("Do it yourself-Mathematik-Übungen (excercices en mathematiques)")
Elektronische Ausgabe nicht mehr geplant. / Edition électronique ne plus prévue.
Reprint: Siehe Archiv. / Reprint exercices voir DIYMU + archives.
3. Jahr / Année 3 Go to the top of this page Go to Problems Bewertung von Semesterarbeiten
Last change: 15.10.11 13:58:24
Zugriffszähler: Ca. 10'000 Besucher vom November 2000 bis Dezember 2001. (Nachher Zähler wegen Systembelastung ausgeschaltet.)